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This topic covers regulations surrounding lead, which come from several agencies, including OSHA, the EPA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Department of Transportation (DOT). Lead exposure can cause a variety of health problems, including brain damage, reproductive problems, high blood pressure, kidney failure, and hearing loss.

OSHA’s lead regulations focus on protections for workers exposed to the metal. They include requirements for the use of PPE, including respirators; hygiene; cleaning; medical surveillance; communication of hazards; and training. OSHA has also developed permissible exposure limits for lead. Construction-industry standards are separate from those for general industry. The EPA’s regulations include standards for residential lead-based paint, lead disposal, emissions, drinking water, removal from contaminated sites, and disclosure to affected communities. The DOT regulates the transportation of lead waste materials and has labeling, packaging, and shipping requirements for these materials.

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Directives 01/05/1989 - CPL 2-2.47 - Compliance Dates for the Lead Standard 29 CFR 1910.1025, with Clarification of the Implementation Schedule 07/18/2003National
Directives 02/27/1997 - Brass and Bronze Ingot Manufacturing Industry Compliance Requirements and Dates Under the Lead Standard (29 CFR 1910.1025) 07/22/2003National
Directives 05/01/1989 - CPL 2-2.48 - List of Laboratories Approved for Blood Lead Analysis 07/18/2003National
Directives 08/14/2008 - [CPL 03-00-0009] - OSHA Instruction; National Emphasis Program-Lead 08/14/2008National
Regulations 29 CFR § 1910.1025 Lead  National
Proposed Rules 29 CFR 1910 and 1926 - Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM)--Blood Lead Level for Medical Removal 08/18/2022National
Interpretations A definition of the word 'ingot' as it applies to 1910.1025. 01/30/1996National
Interpretations Acceptability of rhodizonate-based spot test kits for determining the presence or absence of lead in paint coatings.[1910.1025; 1926.62] 07/18/2003National
Interpretations Application of OSHA's health standards 07/15/1996National
Questions & Answers As a battery manufacturer, the OSHA Lead Standard applies to our facility; therefore we require all plant employees to shower at the end of their shift. Our towel situation is out of control... 03/31/2008National
Guidance Documents Authorized State Programs  National
Interpretations Blood lead laboratories are not required to report the OSHA levels at which additional employer obligations are triggered under the lead standards.[1910.1025; 1926.62] 04/05/2004National
Questions & Answers Does OSHA require the removal of lead paint that is peeling? 11/19/2010National
Interpretations Employee safety and the laundering of contaminated clothing. 04/01/1997National
Interpretations Enforcement of the engineering and work practice control provisions of the lead standard, 1910.1025(e)(1).[1910.1025; 1910.1025(e)(1)] 05/11/2004National
Regulatory Analysis Lead  National
Checklists Lead Exposure Safety Training Checklist for Employees  National
7 Minute Safety Trainer Lead Hazards and Precautions (Outline)  National
Quizzes Lead Hazards and Precautions [7-Minute Safety Trainer]  National
Handouts Lead Hazards and Precautions [7-Minute Safety Trainer]  National
Quizzes Lead Hazards and Precautions [7-Minute Safety Trainer] - Spanish  National
Handouts Lead Hazards and Precautions [7-Minute Safety Trainer] - Spanish  National
Training Activities Lead Safety Activity (Word)  National
PowerPoints Lead Safety: General Industry  National
Speaker's Notes Lead Safety: General Industry  National
Quizzes Lead Safety: General Industry  National
Trainer's Guides Lead Safety: General Industry  National
Audiovisual Presentations Lead Safety: General Industry  National
Training Exercises Lead Safety: General Industry - Exercise 1  National
Training Exercises Lead Safety: General Industry - Exercise 2  National
Toolbox Talks Lead: Recognizing Lead Hazards in General Industry  National
Interpretations Medical exams and blood testing for zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) under OSHA's Lead Standards.[1910.1025; 1910.1025(j)(1)(i)] 12/04/2009National
Guidance Documents OSHA eTool - Lead: Battery Manufacturing  National
Guidance Documents OSHA eTool - Lead: Secondary Lead Smelter  National
Interpretations OSHA Lead Standards, both General Industry and Construction. 03/18/1997National
Checklists Preventing Lead Exposure Regulatory Compliance Audit Checklist  National
Interpretations Process Modification - Thermoset Resin Technology Replacement for Lead in Drop Hammer Punches. (1910.1025) 07/17/1992National
Interpretations Protective footwear requirements for inorganic arsenic and lead.(1910.1018) 02/12/1993National
Interpretations Request for Clarification of 29 CFR 1910.1025(d)(6). 01/13/1995National
Interpretations Shower requirements for the Lead in Construction Standard.(1910.106) 09/05/1995National
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