Interpretations |
Acceptability of modifying a standard on/off switch to provide lockout capability to a machine.[1910.147; 1910.147(c)(3); 1910.147(c)(2)(iii); 1910.303(a); 1910.399; 1910.303]
| 05/13/2003 | National |
Interpretations |
Adoption of ANSI Z244.1 (2016); clarification of alternative methods and advanced control systems options
| 09/06/2017 | National |
Interpretations |
Applicability of OSHA's LOTO standards; isolation and verification procedures.[1910.147; 1910.333(b); 1910.399]
| 11/16/2000 | National |
Interpretations |
Application of Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO) requirements to compressed gas cylinders. [1910.147; 1910.147(b); 1910.147(c)(7); 1910.147(c)(7)(iii)(A); 1910.147(c)(7)(iii)(B); 1910.147(f)(2)(i)]
| 04/23/2007 | National |
Interpretations |
Application of the Lockout/Tagout standard to die-setting activities and other machine setup operations.
| 12/28/2006 | National |
Interpretations |
Authorized employees must have the opportunity to verify energy isolation in group lockout/tagout
| 01/29/2002 | National |
Interpretations |
Clarification of "authorized" and "affected" employees and proper energy control procedures
| 02/10/2004 | National |
Interpretations |
Clarification on entitlement of a copy of energy control program documentation at meat packing plant.
| 02/27/1997 | National |
Interpretations |
Color is not the only prescribed factor for the standardization of LOTO devices.[1910.147; 1910.147(c)(5)(ii)(B)]
| 08/30/2002 | National |
Interpretations |
Consultants performing lockout/tagout periodic inspections.[1910.147]
| 10/29/1996 | National |
Guidance Documents |
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
| | National |
Directives |
CPL 02-00-147 - The Control of Hazardous Energy --Enforcement Policy and Inspection Procedures
| 02/11/2008 | National |
Interpretations |
Evaluation of the ElectroGuard disconnect system for use as an energy isolating device.
| 02/26/2007 | National |
Interpretations |
Food Inspectors lockout/tagout procedures.[1910.147]
| 10/02/1996 | National |
Interpretations |
Group tagging requirements requarding 1910.269(d).
| 10/14/1999 | National |
Interpretations |
Interlock requirements for access door(s) of trash compactor. [1910.147; 1910.147(a)(2)(ii); 1910.212]
| 01/18/2006 | National |
Interpretations |
Lock out/Tag out (LOTO) requirements for die-setting operations in hydraulic power presses.[1910.212(a)(3)(ii); 1910.217; 1910.217(d)(9)(iv); 1910.147; 1910.147(a)(2)(ii); 1910.147(b); 1910.147(d); 1910.147(f)(1)]
| 04/22/2005 | National |
Interpretations |
Lockout/Tagout and the provisions for testing or positioning of machines while they are energized. [1910.217; 1910.147; 1910.147(a)(2)(ii); 1910.147(b); 1910.147(f)(1)]
| 05/04/2007 | National |
Guidance Documents |
Lockout/Tagout Fact Sheet (PDF) - Spanish
| | National |
Interpretations |
Lockout/tagout requirements for servicing manually-controlled vertical/horizontal milling machine and drill press tool changes.[1910 Subpart O; 1910 Subpart S; 1910.147; 1910.147(a)(2)(ii); 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A); 1910.212; 1910.212(a)(3
| 08/24/2005 | National |
Interpretations |
Lockout/tagout: preferred means of energy isolation; non cord - and - plug powered equipment.[1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A); 1910.147(c)(3); 1910.269(m); 1910.333(b)]
| 03/22/2000 | National |
Interpretations |
LOTO of hydraulic systems; postal workers' exposure to hazardous material spills [1910.147; 1910 Subpart S; 1910.120(q); 1910.1030; 1910.1200]
| 11/10/1999 | National |
Guidance Documents |
OSHA eTool - Lockout/Tagout
| | National |
Guidance Documents |
OSHA Expert Advisor - Lockout/Tagout
| | National |
Interpretations |
OSHA's lockout/tagout standard is not applicable to maritime employment.(1910.147)
| 02/09/1994 | National |
Interpretations |
PRCS and LOTO requirements for accumulation of stored energy in steam pits [1910.146; 1910.147; 1910.147(d)(5)(ii)]
| 04/18/2007 | National |
Guidance Documents |
Preparation for Lockout/Tagout of Machinery and Equipment with Multiple Energy Sources
| | National |
Interpretations |
Printing Industry: Lock Out/Tag Out and the essential elements of the inch-safe-service technique.[1910.147; 1910.147(f)(1); 1910.147(a)(2)(ii); 1910.147(a)(3)(ii)]
| 04/07/2004 | National |
Interpretations |
Recognition of ANSI/ASSE Z244.1-2003 "Control of Hazardous Energy -- Lockout/Tagout and Alternative Methods" consensus standard.[1910.147]
| 11/10/2004 | National |
Interpretations |
Removal of lockout devices by persons other than those who applied them.
| 02/28/2000 | National |
Interpretations |
Tagout devices must be nonreusable and self-locking.
| 01/03/2002 | National |
Interpretations |
The Lockout/Tagout Standard.(1910.147)
| 08/28/1995 | National |
Interpretations |
Training programs for the Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO) and for the Hazard Communication standard are not satisfied solely by merely providing employees written documentation [1910.147; 1910.147(c)(7)(i); 1910.1200; 1910.1200(h)]
| 10/24/2005 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of a PLC system as an alternative measure which provides effective protection for minor servicing activities.
| 01/25/2008 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of additional lock on a conveyor and baler system exceeds one lockout device. [1910.147; 1910.147(c)(4)(i)]
| 05/09/2006 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of LOTO device on equipment placed in "out of service" status not related to servicing or maintenance.
| 10/11/2006 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of Monitored Power Systems for lockout/tagout.
| 12/16/1999 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of tagout device attachments not meeting 50 - pound unlocking strength requirements.
| 01/14/2000 | National |
Interpretations |
Use of verification tags for lockout.[1910.147; 1910.147(c)(5); 1910.333]
| 07/08/2002 | National |