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Noise Reference Materials
Directives 06/23/2008 - [PER 04-00-004] - Hearing Conservation Program 06/23/2008National
Directives 12/12/1981 - STP 2.21 - Occupational Noise Exposure; Hearing Conservation Amendment, 29 CFR 1910.95 07/16/2003National
Directives 12/19/1983 - CPL 2-2.35A - 29 CFR 1910.95(b)(1), Guidelines for Noise Enforcement; Appendix A 07/18/2003National
Interpretations Acceptability of Task-Based Noise Exposure Assessment Modeling (T-BEAM). 02/01/2001National
Interpretations Administering the baseline audiogram either before or after an employee's first exposure. [1910.95; 1910.95(g)(5)(i)] 03/07/2007National
Interpretations Application of the Occupational Noise standard to employees who are deaf or have a diminished capacity to hear.[1910.95; 1910.95(b)(1); 1910.95(i)(2)] 08/03/2004National
Interpretations Audiometric baseline revisions in employee rehire situations.[1910.95] 02/08/2005National
Interpretations Baseline audiogram revision due to persistent STS or improved thresholds; revision must be made for each ear separately.[1910.95; 1910.95(g)(1); 1910.95(g)(5); 1910.95(g)(7); 1910.95(g)(9); 1910.95(g)(10); 1904; 1904.10] 10/28/2003National
Interpretations Clarification of 1910.95 and 1904 regarding physicians and audiologists roles in determining work-relatedness of worker hearing loss. 08/29/2007National
Interpretations Clarification on revising a baseline audiogram if a standard threshold shift occurs in only one ear. [1910.95; 1910.95(g)(9)] 02/10/2006National
Interpretations Differentiation between the 80 dBA threshold for hearing conservation and the 90 dBA PEL.[1910.95] 09/26/2001National
Interpretations Ear muffs and ear plugs are not both required if one offers protection.[1910.95(i)(3)] 09/30/1983National
Interpretations Effective hearing conservation program elements for the Construction Industry. [1926.52] 08/04/1992National
Interpretations Employees with occasional exposure to noise levels in excess of 85 dBA TWA must be included in the company's hearing conservation program.[1910.95] 02/13/2004National
Guidance Documents Fit Testing is Not Just for Respirators—Selecting Hearing Protection Devices  National
Interpretations Frequency of evaluating audiometric testing rooms to meet the specifications in Appendix D of the Occupational Noise standard.[1910.95(h)(4); 1910.95_AppD] 02/14/2005National
Guidance Documents Hearing Conservation  National
Guidance Documents Hearing Conservation for the Hearing-Impaired Worker  National
Interpretations Hearing conservation standard questions. [1910.95] 05/09/1994National
Interpretations Hearing conservation: referrals, financial responsibility, and documentation. 06/02/1998National
Guidance Documents Methods for Estimating the Adequacy of Hearing Protector Attenuation  National
Interpretations Minimum exposure for inclusion in the hearing conservation program (HCP); removal criteria.[1910.95; 1910.95(c)(1); 1910.95(m)] 02/13/2004National
Guidance Documents NIOSH Sound Level Meter App  National
Guidance Documents Noise Exposure Computation  National
Interpretations Noise exposure measurement records must be retained for 2 years.[1910.95(m)(3)(i); 1910.1020(d)(1)] 08/17/2000National
Interpretations Noise exposure standard and impairment adjustments. 07/09/1993National
Interpretations Occupational noise exposure standard affords protection to landscape service industry employees. 03/19/1999National
Interpretations Occupational Noise Exposure Standard when an employee with a history of off-the-job noise exposure. [1910.95] 01/23/1995National
Interpretations One type of muff and plug available for employee hearing protector selection.[1910.95(i)(3)] 10/17/1983National
Interpretations OSHA's rationale for the noise exposure PEL. 07/28/1999National
Interpretations Retesting requirements if employee's annual audiogram shows a Standard Threshold Shift (STS).[1910.95; 1910.95(g)(7)(ii)] 08/14/2003National
Interpretations Revising baseline audiogram when there is a standard threshold shift in only one ear. [1910.95(g)(9)(i); 1910.95(g)(10)] 09/09/2005National
Interpretations Some employers have banned portable stereo headsets.[1910.95] 08/15/1985National
Interpretations Use of insert earphones for audiometric testing. [1910.95(h)(2)] 08/31/1993National
Interpretations Use of Music Headphones on Construction Sites 09/06/2019National
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